Frequently Asked Questions

What are your weekend services like?
On a Sunday morning we try to stay consistent in the things we do but engaging in how we do them. We have engaging worship where you will hear people singing and even see a lifted hand, you will hear a pastor/speaker give a message designed to encourage you to pursue Jesus because of how He has pursued you, and you will see a group of people excited about what God is doing in them and through them.  Services typically last 75 minutes and we have age appropriate environments for children ages 3 months-5th grade.

What will happen when I visit for the first time?
You will see people say hello and welcome you individually.  You will have people let you know that if you have any questions you can ask them. We will not call you out from the front or embarrass you in any way because we recognize that you’ve already taken a difficult step of walking in our doors so we want to give you time to get comfortable with us.

What should I wear?
On any Sunday morning you will see people in casual attire (jeans and a t-shirt) to full suits. We want you to be comfortable on Sunday morning so dress what makes you feel most comfortable with being in church. Our Pastor will wear jeans, khaki’s, slacks, button down, polo, jacket, and more. So trust us, you will be fine.

What about my children?
We have ministries for students 3 months-high school.  On Sunday mornings we have environments (United Kids) for ages up through 5th grade.  On Sunday nights our United youth (6th-12th grade)6 pm, and also age-specific gender-based ministry for elementary students on Sunday Mornings from 9:30 - 10:20 before our main service.  Our student groups focus on safety for your children, engaging them with God’s word on their level, and creating fun environments to grow in relationships with one another.

How can I get connected with United Church?
Our entire church is based on people coming together understanding that though we are not all the same, as God has created us with a unique plan, He has given our church a specific plan to keep us focussed on His mission for us and the world around us.  We encourage you if you want to be a part of what is happening within our church to start with our growth track “United Church 101 class” which is offered every other month on Wednesdays or Sundays.  This will help you get to know our church and how best to become a part of it in a way that will suit you best.  

How can I grow in my relationship with Jesus?
We encourage our church to walk through our Growth track entirely and in 201 we focus on helping individuals learn how to live their life for Jesus empowered by the Holy Spirit.  We believe that none of us have “made it” in our relationship with Jesus and there is always room for growth.

 What affiliation is the church?
United Church is affiliated with the Assemblies of God, an international network of churches united in theology and mission. This network of churches is a cooperative fellowship that allows autonomy to local churches and encourages self-government. While the churches are autonomous, the Assemblies of God does hold the ministry credentials of the senior pastor for the sake of accountability— ensuring moral, ethical, and theological standards outlined in Scripture. For more information, visit