Plan my Visit

 We know the decision to visit a new church is a big step and we want to help make the process easier for you.

If you do have any other questions feel free to e-mail Pastor Jonathan before your visit.

We know you have many questions coming in to your visit and we will give a brief rundown of a typical Sunday below but encourage you to look at our FAQ page to answer any more of your questions that you may have.

  1. Our services begin at 10:30 am each Sunday so we encourage you to arrive at least 5 min early if you don’t have children or 10 min early if you do for your first visit.  This way you can get comfortable in your seat prior to service beginning
  2. We have two entrances one off of 133 and one from our parking lot where the brick building meets the white building.  We encourage people to come in through our parking lot entrance as it will take you past the majority of what you need to know on your way in.
  3. Kids check-in table is down hallway to your left.  We take child safety very seriously and want to make sure you feel comfortable with them in our care so please ask any questions to the person at the table.
  4. Our main bathrooms are located just beyond the kids check-in center on the left or we have bathrooms located out the back of our worship center.
  5. Our worship center (where adults and teens gather on Sunday mornings) is located down the right hallway from our parking lot entrance.
  6. Our Cafe serves free coffee, tea, and other drinks occasionally.  We also often have free donuts or other baked goods so feel free to stop there on your way to the sanctuary.
  7. Sit anywhere you’d like in the room in preparation for our service.  Below will be a typical Sunday morning service schedule.

10:30 am Welcome video
Worship begins with 3-4 songs
Someone will pray over needs
Message will be given by Pastor
Song of Reflection/Response
Offering Received
Important Announcements
Prayer of Blessing

Our services typically last 75 minutes