oUR plan

How we operate as a church

The Mission

To be a church United in Pursuit of Jesus, in Prayer for the needs of others, on Purpose for building God's Kingdom, all in the Power of the Holy Spirit

The Vision

To be so on mission that a community and region are drawn to what God is doing that we would grow beyond our current limitations for God's Glory
We believe that one of our sole purposes in life is to pursue Jesus and a relationship with Him. We believe Jesus is the son of God who gave His life so that we might be in relationship with God.  And now, we have the opportunity to live in pursuit of Jesus everyday because He has given followers of Him, His Holy Spirit to empower us everyday.  So we pursue Him in prayer, the reading of His word (The bible), worship, songs of praise, and the encouragement of other believers.  We do this when we gather and we are apart because we are United.
We believe that as as church if we are to live United it begins by putting others first.  We help maintain this in our daily life by constantly praying for the needs of others. We pray for the physical, relational, financial, emotional, and any other type of need a person is willing to share with us.  Believing that there is power in prayer not because of who we are but because of who Jesus is and what He has already done. We believe that prayer changes circumstances and it changes hearts both the ones we are praying for as well as ourselves.
We believe that staying United is accomplished when we all are driven toward the same thing.  At United Church we are driven to see others come to know Jesus.  So we share Him with others through acts of kindness, sharing with others about our faith in Jesus, and inviting others to be a part of our church.  We believe that as we focus our efforts that God brings unity to His church.  He gave us our purpose in Matthew 28:19-20 and now we get to live that purpose out everyday,
We believe that there is freedom in admitting that we are not good enough.  The world tells us that we are strong enough, wise enough, smart enough. But the good news is that we aren’t and we don’t have to be.  Through the power of the Holy Spirit we are able to see immeasurably great things happen through us.  After all is word says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13) not I can do all things because of who I was created to be.  So each day we ask the Holy Spirit to empower us for what God is calling us to do that day.